Crypto and blockchain technology are transforming the internet

About us

ChainSolid Labs is an R&D-driven open innovation lab led by some of the most technical researchers and business leaders in the web3 space to transform cutting-edge research into innovative products aimed at building the new infrastructure of the internet.

We aim to achieve an optimal synergy between research, founders and capital in web3 by building an R&D-driven open innovation lab where groundbreaking research is done, transformed into innovative products, and supported by the necessary resources to drive widespread adoption and impact.

Research philosophy

Our research philosophy is rooted in our vision of overcoming the obstacles that hinder the transformation of the internet. We believe that the next generation of internet requires a harmonious integration of several elements, including decentralized infrastructure, innovative decentralized applications, enhanced user experience, and robust economic design.

Bridging the research and product gap

ChainSolid Labs is the place where R&D meets venture building. We provide web3 specialized functions of an R&D lab and core functions of a traditional incubator/accelerator to support the talented teams in building innovative products. We explore and experiment with various decentralized technologies, protocols and frameworks aiming to identify novel use cases and work together as a co-founder to transform our research into successful ventures with tangible outcomes.

Bridging the academia and blockchain based economy

We strive to foster truly open innovation by supporting and collaborating with academia in identifying industry challenges and opportunities that inform and inspire academic research in this rapidly evolving field and translating valuable academic contributions into real-world blockchain solutions.

ChainSolid Labs is an independent research lab led by some of the most technical researchers in the Web3 space to transform the cutting-edge research into innovative products aimed at building the new infrastructure of the internet.
BriDGING the research and product gap
ChainSolid Labs is the place where R&D meets incubation.

We provide web3 specialized functions of a R&D lab and core functions of a traditional incubator/accelerator to support the talented teams in building truly innovative products aimed at accelerating the adoption of blockchain technology.

We explore and experiment with various decentralized technologies, protocols and frameworks aiming to identify novel use cases, source the best talents in the ecosystem and work together as a co-founder to transform our research into successful ventures with tangible outcomes.

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